Dr. Shreyash M. Gajjar
Centre for Arthroscopy & Sports Orthopaedics Centre for Arthroscopy & Sports Orthopaedics
Aug 14
Hip Arthroscopy Assisted Surgery For Avascular Necrosis (AVN) Of Hip Joint Using Autologous Bone Marrow Cells

On 9th August 2014, Dr. Shreyash Gajjar was the 1st in India to perform this procedure.

AVN of the Hip joint is a condition where there is a focal loss of blood supply to the Femoral Head of the hip joint. This condition is usually seen in the young adults due to a number of causes i.e. Idiopathic, Steroid/Alcohol use, Post-traumatic, Sickle cell etc.

Patients presenting complaints are Pain on weight-bearing, Limp, Limitation in terminal hip movements.

Treatment – Early stage – Core decompression surgery wherein a drill track is created to reach the affected bone dead area which is then cleaned out & the defect area filled with bone graft +/- bone marrow cells (latest technique). Late stage – Hip replacement.

Whilst the Core decompression surgery is routinely performed under Fluoroscopy (X-ray Image) guidance, the advantage of an Arthroscopy Assisted technique is that it gives a 3 dimensional view of the femoral head cartilage which should remain intact during the procedure. Hence, the Arthroscopy assisted technique prevents the risk of cartilage injury which is possible in Fluoroscopy guided technique. Other advantage is that any additional associated hip joint pathologies like Labral tear, synovitis, FAI etc. can also be managed simultaneously.
